AFA Summer 2020

The Black Gondola (The Black Gondola, Venice ), 1913, oil on panel, 7¾ × 11½ inches W i l l i am m e rr i tt C h a s e ( 1849‒1916 ) Debra Force f i n e art , i nC . 13 EAST 69TH STREET SUITE 4F NEW YORK 10021 TEL 212.734.3636 WWW.DEBRAFORCE.COM The Black Gondola was painted in 1913 , during Chase’s European summer teaching session in Venice. The season was marked by constant rain and massive crowds of tourists, both of which made it difficult for him to paint outside as he preferred. Amidst these obstacles, he painted this scene of a canal with lone black gondola, Whistlerian in spirit, but in the artist’s own vibrant brushy hand.