AFA Winter 2017

Winter 20 COSTA SCENA : A Cruise Across The Southern Coast of Kent An Encased Panoramic Aquatint, Drawings Taken From Nature by Robert Havell Junr. / pub. 1823 / 3in. High x 18.25 ft. Long Depicting (from moving viewpoints) the departure of George IV aboard the Royal George, on his 1822 state visit to Scotland, from Greenwich down the Thames; and an accompanying steamboat veering eastward through stormy waters to Calais M. FORD CREECH ANTIQUES / 581 South Perkins Road / Memphis TN / 901-761-1163 / DECEMBER 16, 2017–APRIL 1, 2018 161 Essex St. | Salem, MA | Mediapartners DECEMBER 16, 2017–APRIL 1, 2018 Paintings by one of America’s most iconic artists are presented alongside photographs and selections from her carefully curated wardrobe, revealing that Georgia O’Keeffe’s entire life was a work of art. Thisexhibition isorganizedbytheBrooklynMuseumwithguestcuratorWandaM.Corn,RobertandRuthHalperinProfessorEmerita inArtHistory,Stanford University,andmadepossiblebytheNationalEndowmentfortheArts.CarolynandPeterS.Lynch,TheLynchFoundation,Fay,SusanandAppyChandler, andMr.andMrs.J.TaylorCrandallprovidedgeneroussupport. TheEastIndiaMarineAssociatesofthePeabodyEssexMuseumprovidedvaluablesupport. TonyVaccaro, GeorgiaO’Keeffewith “PelvisSeries,RedwithYellow” andtheDesert (detail),1960.GeorgiaO’KeeffeMuseum.CourtesyofTonyVaccarostudio.