19th Anniversary Preview

154 19th Anniversary 4 www.afamag.com | w ww.incollect.com on[the[cover Interior design by Tucker & Marks, photo by Matthew Millman from The Soul of a Room, pages 86–93. departments 10 Advertiser Index 22 Editor’s Letter 44 Happenings Contents 19th Anniversary 2019 Volume XVIII, Issue 1 130 113 122 100 Antiques & Fine Art (ISSN: 2162-4607), vol. XVIII, issue 1, is published four times a year (Anniversary/Spring (January–March), Summer (April–June), Autumn (July–September), Winter (October–December)) by Pure Imaging, Inc., 9 Fowle Street, Woburn, MA 01801. Material in this publication may not be reproduced in any form without written permission from the publisher. Contents copyright ©2019 Pure Imaging, Inc. All rights reserved. The advertiser seeking the services of Antiques & Fine Art and/or Pure Imaging, Inc., will indemnify and save harmless Antiques & Fine Art and/or Pure Imaging, Inc., and its agents from any liabilities, claims, lawsuits, damages, or expenses, including attorney’s fees and costs that may arise out of publication of the advertiser’s/agency ads or materials. Every e ort has been made to ensure thatall informationpresented in this issue isaccurateandneither Antiques&FineArt, Pure Imaging, Inc.,noranyof itssta is responsible foromissionsor information thathasbeenmisrepresented to themagazine.PeriodicalpostagepaidatWoburn,MA,andadditional mailing o ces. Postmaster, send address changes to Antiques & Fine Art, P.O. Box 3000, Denville, NJ 07834-3000. Subscription price is $15 for 1 year and $25 for 2 years (800.783.4903). Printed in the USA. Statement of Ownership, Management and Circulation (Requester Publication). 1: Antiques & Fine Art. 2: 2840. 3: 11/3/17. 4: Quarterly. 5: 4. 6: $15. 7: Pure Imaging, Inc., 9 Fowle Street, Woburn, MA 01801. 8: Pure Imaging, Inc., 9 Fowle Street, Woburn, MA 01801. 9: John Smiroldo, Pure Imaging, Inc., 9 Fowle Street, Woburn, MA 01801; Johanna McBrien, Pure Imaging, Inc., 9 Fowle Street, Woburn, MA 01801. 10: John Smiroldo, Pure Imaging, Inc. 11: None. 12: N/A. 13: Antiques & Fine Art. 14: September 25, 2018. 15: Requester. 15a: 14,975; 11,400. 15b1: 7,252; 6,754. 15b2: 0; 0. 15b3: 1,184; 191. 15b4: 76; 76. 15c: 8,512; 7,021. 15d1: 14; 10. 15d2: 0; 0. 15d3: 22; 6. 15d4: 3,973; 3,820. 15e: 4,009; 3,836. 15f: 12,521; 10,857. 15g: 2,454; 543. 15h: 14,975; 11,400. 15i: 68%; 65%. 16: N/A. 17: 19th Anniversary/Spring 2019. 18: John Smiroldo, 11/19/18. Printed in the USA. designer}style 86 The Soul of a Room by Marianne Litty Photography by Edward Addeo and Matthew Millman 94 Cartier’s Iconic Designs From the Belle Époque to the Post-War Era by Jason Blake Nichinson lifestyle 100 The Ideal Stewards by Johanna McBrien Photography by Carl Vernlund 113 Top Museum Acquisitions: 2018 in Review by Daniel Grant 122 History, Labor, Life The Prints of Jacob Lawrence by Christie Hajela features 130 Augmenting the Canon: Recent Acquisitions of American Neoclassical Decorative Arts at Hirschl & Adler Galleries by Elizabeth Feld & Stuart Feld 138 The Winter Show Loan Exhibit: Collecting Nantucket/Connecting the World by Michael R. Harrison winterthur}primer 146 The Byrdcli e Library by Thomas A. Guiler 148 Leon Kelly: American Surrealist by Carl David 154 Maker & Muse: Women and Early Twentieth Century Art Jewelry by Tracy Kamerer