2018 Charleston Antiques Show

16  /  2018 A rader G alleries Lori Cohen 1308 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19107 Phone: 215-735-8811 Email: loricohen@aradergalleries.com www.aradergalleries.com 16th to 19th-century natural history prints and watercolors, antique maps and important atlases, rare books, prints of the American West, American historical material and 20th-century American Master prints. Booth 10 John James Audubon (1785–1851) “Common American Swan, PL. CCCCXI” from Birds of America Aquatint engraving with original hand coloring Engraved by Robert Havell (1793–1878) Published: London, 1827–1838 Paper size: 25¼" x 38⅛"