Charleston Loan Exhibition

64 Drapery pole finials , ca. 1835 White pine, gesso and gilt Small leaf, H. 10 ⁄/* x W. 6¾ x D. 2 inches; Large leaf, H. 15 ‡/* x W. 12¾ x D. 3 inches Historic Charleston Foundation, through transfer from The Charleston Museum, gift of Mrs. Francis Dill Rhett, Charleston, SC, 96.3.161.m In the nineteenth century, the social and economic status of Charleston’s elite was reflected in the smallest details of household furnishings. These elegantly carved finials—of possible French manufacture—enhanced elaborately fashioned window textiles and trimmings in the west parlor of the Aiken-Rhett House after the residence was expanded and remodeled into a Greek-Revival mansion, 1833–1835. This room served as a reception area for the home’s owners, William (1806–1887) and Harriet Lowndes (1812–1892) Aiken, and its fine furnishings were meant to impress visitors and guests. KS