Washington Winter Show 2012

119 $ )HGHUDO 3HULRG 0XVHXP F 6*' &7/$#4610 *175' 2SHQ <HDU 5RXQG 7XH 6XQ $0 30 +RPH RI -RVHSK 1RXUVH )LUVW 5HJLVWHU RI WKH 8 6 7UHDVXU\ 4 6WUHHW 1: ,Q UHVLGHQWLDO *HRUJHWRZQ )UHH 3DUNLQJ³ $'$ DFFHVVLEOH K WK WK F 'HFRUDWLYH $UWV ([KLELWLRQV K 6HOI JXLGHG JURXQGV WRXU K 3XEOLF 3URJUDPV K *URXS 7RXUV K (YHQW 5HQWDOV 'XPEDUWRQ+RXVH RUJ KWON’S BOUTIQUE Dress Makers Custom Tailoring The Ashby Building 1350 Beverly Rd. #102 McLean, VA 22101 703-827-0700 Starlight Children’s Foundation ™ MidAtlantic Young Professional’s Council Is proud to support The Washington Winter Show “Celebrating the White House” 2020 K Street NW, Suite 600 | Washington, DC 20006 202-293-7827 (STAR) | info@starlight-midatlantic.org www.starlight-midatlantic.org Starlight Children’s Foundation ™ is the leading organization in the nation providing fun in the hospital, in the community, and on the Web for seriously ill children and their families. M I C H A E L C. D U R N E Y L A W O F F I C E S 1000 POTOMAC STREET N . W . FIFTH FLOOR WASHINGTON , D . C . 20007 (202) 965-7744 fax: (202) 965-1729 email: mcd@mdurney.com CIVIL AND CRIMINAL TAX CONTROVERSIES