Washington Winter Show 2013

ABOVE : Attributed to John Finlay and Hugh Finlay, Grecian Couch , 1810–1830, walnut and cherry with paint and gold leaf, National Gallery of Art, Washington, Promised Gift of George M. and Linda H. Kaufman 7KH ¿UVW PDMRU SUHVHQWDWLRQ RI HDUO\ $PHULFDQ IXUQLWXUH DQG UHODWHG GHFRUDWLYH DUWV RQ SHUPDQHQW SXEOLF YLHZ LQ WKH QDWLRQ¶V FDSLWDO KLJKOLJKWV QHDUO\ H[DPSOHV IURP WKH GLVWLQJXLVKHG FROOHFWLRQ RI George M. and Linda H. Kaufman. Their gift to the nation also includes American, Chinese, and European SRUFHODLQV DQG )UHQFK ÀRUDO ZDWHUFRORUV E\ 3LHUUH -RVHSK 5HGRXWp 7KH LQVWDOODWLRQ IHDWXUHV SRUWUDLWV IURP WKH *DOOHU\¶V FROOHFWLRQ E\ FHOHEUDWHG HDUO\ $PHULFDQ SDLQWHUV LQFOXGLQJ QLQH E\ *LOEHUW 6WXDUW Learn more at www.nga.gov/kaufman . National Gallery of Art ADMISSION IS ALWAYS FREE On the National Mall from 3rd to 9th Streets at Constitution Avenue nw Monday –Saturday: 10– 5, Sunday: 11 – 6 | phone: 202.737.4215 | tdd: 202.842.6176 www.nga.gov twitter.com/ngadc www.facebook.com/NationalGalleryofArt